Bishnupada Deb

Migration Geography

“The preparation for war started a few days before Durga Puja. There were attacks in Agartala. In November 1971, the Indian army came to Mahishkala. Everyone moved towards the Maynamati cantonment. The war lasted 15 days. General Singh from India and General Nazimuddin from Pakistan. They were classmates at Dehradun Military College. The Pakistani General surrendered. It also marked the signing of the Shimla Agreement. While the army marched, they could not trace the maps which they were given. The cartography was just theoretical.”

“দুর্গাপুজোর কিছুদিন আগে যুদ্ধের প্রস্তুতি। শেল ফাটিয়েছে।আগরতলা শহরে। বাঙ্কারের মধ্যে যদি থাকত তাহলে সলিল সমাধি হত। সম্ভবত ১৯৭১ নভেম্বর ভারতের সেনাবাহিনী ঢুকেছে মহিষখোলায়।সব ময়নামতি ক্যান্টনমেন্টে মুভ করত। যুদ্ধ ১৫ দিন চলেছে। ভারতের জে সিংহ, পাকিস্তানের জেনারেল নাজিমুদ্দিন। পত্রিকাতে দেখেছি তারা ক্লাসমেট ছিল দেরাদুনের মিলিটারী কলেজে। নাজিমুদ্দিন আর্তসমর্পণ করেছে, বিদ্রোহ হতে পারত, হয়নি । সিমলা চুক্তি হয়। দেখা গেল, সেনাবাহিনী ম্যাপ দেখে রাস্তায় আটকে গেছে। ম্যাপে রাস্তা আছে, বাস্তবে নেই। ক্ষুব্ধ ছিল।”

Interviewer – Gitanjali Roy

Summary – Sumallya Mukhopadhyay

Transcript – Aisik Maity

Portrait Image - Aurgho Jyoti

Interview Location – Mahishkala, Tripura (India)

Interview Date –


Bishnupada Deb was born on 3 January 1954. Regarding his childhood memories, he recollected how his mother went to Sultanpur, Comilla, after passports were regularised between India and Pakistan. Evidently, after the 1947 Partition, his maternal home became a part of East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh). Though he travelled with his mother, Bishnupada Deb did not remember much of his time spent across the borders.

For most of his life, he had stayed at Mahishkala, Tripura. Before coming to Mahishkala, his family stayed for a couple of years in Jainagar. In 1971, he was to take the Higher Secondary Examinations, which unfortunately got postponed for two months due to the Bangladesh Liberation War. After narrating a bit about his understanding of what led to the Liberation War in East Pakistan, he referred to refugees coming to Tripura and Assam. A week before the war, he surreptitiously crossed over to East Pakistan through the borders near Jainagar. He saw how the Pakistani soldiers had destroyed houses so that those did not become targets of the Indian army. 

Soon camps were formed to shelter refugees at Mahishkala and other places. He got acquainted with a few refugees who tilled his familial lands. He held the view that the government had been quite munificent in its treatment of refugees. The refugees were provided daily rations like rice, milk etc. They were given bamboo and tents to build their settlements. International agencies also offered aid to the stranded refugees. 

During the 1971 Liberation War, he remembered that the Pakistani army had bombed Agartala for two consecutive days. A medical shop was destroyed near his home. Bishnupada Deb also saw an Indian army bunker get hit by a shell. However, no casualties were reported. According to him, the Indian army had marched in Mahishkala on 23 November 1971. He stayed up an entire night to watch the mobilisation of the Indian army. He narrated an anecdote he heard from his friends – the Indian army failed to find routes marked out on the map. For, in reality, those roads did not exist. Excitedly, he recounted the manner of Pakistan’s surrender to the Indian army. 

He firmly believed that the local population as well as the government had helped the refugees. Many did not return to Bangladesh after the conclusion of the war. As a result, the population of Tripura drastically increased.    

Transcript in English

My mother’s paternal home was in Sultanpur, now in Comilla district. My house was in Jaynagar, part of India. I don’t have memories of Bangladesh as such. Mahishkhola was the place from where I did my education, primarily, classes 1 to 4. Then moved on to Anandanagar, one mile eastward from Mahishkhola, for the senior section.

Our higher secondary exams were in May of 1971. Postponed due to the influx of armies from West Pakistan. It was the beginning of the Muktijuddho.

The refugees migrated to the bordering states of Bangladesh such as Assam and Tripura as well.
From the Chaitra of 1971 as well, the war started. While in Jaynagar, I came to know there were ways to go to the Bangladesh border. The refugees came, settled across different camps. There were camps in Mahishkala as well. One near the present day RKM in Ammotil, also in Rishipara. The BDO was DB Dutta, SDO – S L Dasgupta. DM – can’t recollect at the moment.


The preparation for war started a few days before Durga Puja. There were attacks in Agartala. In November 1971, the Indian army came to Mahishkala. Everyone moved towards the Maynamati cantonment. The Pakistani General surrendered. It also marked the signing of the Shimla Agreement. 

While the army marched, they could not trace the maps which they were given. The cartography was just theoretical.

There were bunkers on both sides of the path, I noticed while I was cycling. Bunkers were underground spaces to hide from the attacks. Constructed by Pakistani armies for self-defence.

30 November: Many people from Agartala, including some of my relatives, shifted to the countryside. The Indian government extended a lot of support. The PM was Indira Gandhi.

Mujibur Rahman came to Tripura, in 1969- 1971 there was unrest in Agartala. There was an Editorial Council. The SP was Vikkhu Thakur.

Transcript in Bangla

দুর্গাপুজোর কিছুদিন আগে যুদ্ধের প্রস্তুতি। শেল ফাটিয়েছে।আগরতলা শহরে। বাঙ্কারের মধ্যে যদি থাকত তাহলে সলিল সমাধি হত। সম্ভবত ১৯৭১ নভেম্বর ২৭ ভারতের সেনাবাহিনী ঢুকেছে মহিষখোলায়।সব ময়নামতি ক্যান্টনমেন্টে মুভ করত। যুদ্ধ ১৫ দিন চলেছে।১৬ই ডিসেম্বর ভারতের জে সিংহ, পাকিস্তানের জেনারেল নাজিমুদ্দিন। পত্রিকাতে দেখেছি তারা ক্লাসমেট ছিল দেরাদুনের মিলিটারী কলেজে। নাজিমুদ্দিন আর্তসমর্পণ করেছে, বিদ্রোহ হতে পারত, হয়নি । সিমলা চুক্তি হয়।

[ত্রিপুরার মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর role]
দেখা গেল, সেনাবাহিনী ম্যাপ দেখে রাস্তায় আটকে গেছে।
ম্যাপে রাস্তা আছে, বাস্তবে নেই। ক্ষুব্ধ ছিল।

যুদ্ধ শেষে, জানুয়ারি মাসের মাঝামাঝি সাইকেলে যাচ্ছি, দেখি রাস্তার দুধারে বাঙ্কার।
প্রশ্ন:  বাঙ্কার জিনিসটা কি?
মাটির ভেতর থাকার জন্য যাতে গুলি এলে না লাগে।পাকিস্তানের সেনারা বানায় আত্মরক্ষার জন্য।


৩০ নভেম্বর আগরতলার অনেক লোক গ্রামগঞ্জে গেছে। আমার আত্মীয় গেছিল। শরণার্থীদের পূর্ণ সহযোগিতা করেছে – যেহেতু এক জায়গাকার। তখন পি এম ইন্দিরা গান্ধী।

মুজিবুর রহমান – 1969- 1971 ত্রিপুরাতে এসেছিল। আগরতলা শহরে বিরোধিতা। মুখ্যমন্ত্রী ছিল না। এডিটোরিয়াল কাউন্সিল ছিল। ভিক্ষু ঠাকুর এসপি ছিল।