Artist: Moutushi Chakraborty

a. ‘Homeland 3’, 2019.

Medium: Collage & Acrylic on Fabriano paper.

Dimensions: 9 x 11 inches

Image Courtesy: The Artist


What is a ‘Home’? A three-dimensional space for physical respite and emotional solace…. May be an architectural splendor…. or makeshift tents and tattered bunkers to seek shelter.

Migration has become a history of shared realities of innumerable families across the globe, irrespective of personal choices and circumstances. Dismantling and assembling of geographical borders and homes redefined the identities of numerous people overnight, forcing them into unaccustomed and unwelcome territories. Despite these momentous challenges it is remarkable to observe the strength of human perseverance stemming from the profound will to endure.

b. ‘Mothers’, 2005. (Triptych)

Medium: Acrylic on canvas.

Dimensions: 12 x 36 inches

Image courtsey: The Artist


The canvas triptych titled ‘Mothers’ was created in 2005, based on two photographs from the archive of OIOC of the British Library in London and one from my own family album. Like many in today’s Bengal, my family also hails from erstwhile East Bengal, current Bangladesh. Being close to the women in my family, I felt their loss of leaving behind their own land, home and identity, yet bravely attempting to instill a sense of home, security and continuity through their protective affection and warmth. This continuity of love, irrespective of human tribulations, encouraged me to create this piece wherein we see two refugee Mothers embracing their progeny with the same intense affection as a homsteader Mother — thereby emphasizing the importance of basic human nature of loving and protecting one’s progeny.